The Right Copy For Successful Leaflet Distribution in Haywards Heath

Sales copy is essential to a successful leaflet distribution campaign in Haywards Heath. You may have chosen the best leaflet distribution company in the area and have an awesome layout with the perfect colours to attract the attention of your target audience, but if your sales copy is poor it could ruin the whole campaign.

You need to make sure that you show people who your business, service or product can help them – don’t just tell them. You shouldn’t assume that the reader will know what you do and how that can help them – instead clearly explain what you do, how it can help them and why they need it.

Your reader is unlikely to be as excited about your business, service or product as you are, so make sure your copy shows your enthusiasm and passion. However, the copy also needs to show what your service or product does and how it can be of benefit to your target audience, the reader.

Consider using bullet points and short sentences matched with relevant images so the reader can quickly see what you do and how it helps them. They will pick up your leaflet from the front door and will look quickly as they walk to the kitchen bin. If your copy grabs their attention they’ll keep the flyer and your leaflet drop will be successful, if the copy doesn’t grab them the flyer will go in the bin!

Think of your leaflet distribution campaign as you on a piece of paper. It’s the advertising done for you when you can’t be there. Is the copy what you would say if you met the person in real life? If it is then you have hit the nail on the head. If it isn’t then you need to look at your flyers again – this could be the first impression the reader gets of your business and it needs to be the right impression.

If you’d like help planning your leaflet distribution campaign in Haywards Heath, then contact us now.

Industry Stats For Leaflet Drops

As a leaflet distribution business in Sussex with many years experience, we know that leaflet drops can work for many different businesses, industries and sectors of all shapes and sizes.

It’s not possible to say that leaflet distribution in Brighton and Hove definitely will work for your business, or leaflet drops in Burgess Hill definitely won’t work for your business because every business is different, as is every person that receives your leaflet.

However, we recently came across some really interesting industry specific stats for leaflet drops and we wanted to share it with you.

Leaflet Distribution for Charities

Those that receive a charity leaflet through their door are 60% more likely to donate to charity. In fact the average return on investment for charities was found to be £1.39 during the year of 2016.

Leaflet Distribution for Restaurants

91% of people that received a leaflet through their door about a local takeaway or restaurant remember receiving this leaflet up to one month later.

Leaflet Distribution For Retail Shops

After receiving a leaflet through their door, 48% of people visited the shop, asked for more information or purchased the product advertised on the flyer. The average sales uplift from a leaflet door drop for a local shop is 21% and the return on investment is as high as £5.93.


However, on a more generic scale we also found the following research.

  • 92% of all leaflet drops are read by the receiver
  • 47% of people say they find new product leaflets useful
  • 35% of receivers that are shared households say flyers are passed on within the home


Can you now see how leaflet distribution in Sussex could work for your business? It can help you get your brand in front of hundreds or thousands of people and it could offer great return on investment for your business too.

How Do You Say Merry Christmas?

We aren’t talking about if you say Happy Christmas, Merry Xmas or Happy Holidays – we mean how do you pass on best wishes to your target audience during the festive period? How do you say thank existing clients and put a nice flavour in the mouths of your target audience at Christmas so they are happy to use your business, services and products throughout the year?

There are three standard options!

  1. Send a Christmas Card
  2. Send an Email
  3. Send a Gift

Bit all of this can be time consuming when you are finding the addresses, putting stamps on envelopes, going to the post office – or sending an email that lands in the junk mail and is never seen again.

So how can SPS Leaflet Distribution help you wish your target audience a Merry Christmas this festive season?

We can deliver your cards or gifts through the doors of your target audience for you. Whether these are Christmas cards, ice scrapers, special offers or gift vouchers. We can help you decide which local areas have your target audience living in them and then we can get your kind wishes through their doors with our leaflet distribution service.

You need to start thinking about Christmas RIGHT NOW and contact us to book your leaflet distribution campaign. You want to get the Christmas goodies out early December so you can be the first to wish your target audience a Marry Christmas, before your competitors get in there!

If you leave it too late you’ll just be another company with another Christmas card or the voucher / special offer won’t be needed as they have done their Christmas shopping already. Get in their early and your Christmas card could be the first one your target audience display in their home, or share a photo of on social media!

Call us now to book your festive leaflet distribution campaign!

How Leaflet Distribution in Burgess Hill Can Kick Start Your New Business

All start up and brand new businesses, no matter the industry or location have one thing in common – they want to grow. Any form of advertising will help a new business increase its brands awareness and lead to some business generation, but why should you consider leaflet distribution in Burgess Hill as a new business?

We have put together some points that will help you understand how a leaflet distribution campaign in Burgess Hill can help you kick start your new business.

Leaflet Distribution is Quick

The main goal as a new business is to get your brand out there as quickly as possible and that is exactly what leaflet distributors in Haywards Heath can do for you and your business. They are putting your brand and your message almost directly into the hands of your target audience. Getting word out via other platforms and marketing tools can take a long time, but for leaflet distribution campaigns you just need to design and print a leaflet then we get it through the doors of your audience.

Leaflet Distribution is Cheap

As a new business we understand that budget is a huge factor. When compared to newspaper and radio advertising, or even internet marketing in some cases, leaflet distribution is a much cheaper and more cost-effective option for marketing your business. Not only are they seen in the homes of your target audience, they are often kept and passed on, which can’t happen with a TV advert.

Leaflet Distribution Offers Space

If you’ve ever tried newspaper or magazine advertising, you’ll know that every centimetre of space costs money. Whereas your leaflet has all the space you want to use to talk about your business; front and back! You’ll also not be hidden among lots of other adverts, you’ll have your very own advert, for your receiver to see and read easily.


There are more media choices out there than ever before; there are over 600 television channels, over 400 radio stations, over 9,000 magazines and newspapers and millions of websites out there – but there is still only one letterbox!

How will you get your brand and message out to your target audience?

What To Look Out For When Choosing Your Leaflet Distribution Company in Brighton and Hove

When looking for the best leaflet distribution company in Brighton and Hove to suit the needs of your business, there are lots of things that you need to consider. Leaflet distribution is a well-respected, popular and effective way to increase your brand awareness and pick up new customers. However, some business owners are still unsure how they can find a trustworthy leaflet distributor in Brighton and Hove.

In this article we have put together some top things that you should look out for when choosing the right leaflet distributors in Brighton and Hove for your business;

Distribution Teams

You need to make sure there is a team of people delivering the leaflets so the job gets done much sooner; you don’t want a few streets completed every few days, instead you want to hit an area quickly and with impact. It is important that the leaflet distributors are employed by the company and not self-employed workers as this means they will be fully-trained, dedicated and focused on getting your flyers out there.

Office Premises

Make sure that they are a ‘real company’ by checking out there address, see if you can meet with them before hand and make sure they know the local areas. If a business has an office premise in the area it is more likely that they will know the local area and likelihood of mistakes will be reduced; as opposed to a leaflet distribution company that drives round everywhere, regardless of the location.

Check The Prices

Make sure you get a quote in advance to see what you will be charged and what the leaflet distribution company will do for the money. Then take the time to shop around; a company that charges too much or too little may still be new and inexperienced in the business. Think about what they are charging and how that makes up what they pay their employees to see if the company can really do the job for the price they quote.


A good leaflet distribution company will have reviews from happy clients. Take a look at these reviews, contact the leaflet distributor to see if they can give you details of any clients that you can call up and speak to. If there are no reviews then alarm bells should be ringing that this may not be a trustworthy leaflet distributor.

These are just some of the things you should look out for when choosing a leaflet distributor in Brighton and Hove. There are many more too. Please feel free to contact us directly to see if we could be your leaflet distributors.

Have A Merry Advertising Christmas With Leaflet Distribution

You may think this blog post is a little too soon, what with Halloween not even here yet – but Christmas is well and truly on its way. Christmas markets are being advertised, restaurants are taking bookings for Christmas day and advent calendars are appearing in supermarket aisles. You can avoid it all you want, but the sooner you plan your advertising and leaflet distribution for Christmas the better!

Running an effective and successful Christmas season advertising campaign needs a lot of planning and strategising. The best thing you can do at this time of this year is to offer discounts, special offers and deals so that your target audience think they are getting a bargain when they come to you.

We have put together some ways that you can make sure you seasonal offer leaflet distribution campaigns hit the mark this Christmas to have you ho-ho-ho’ing all the way to the bank;

You need to make sure that you start planning your seasonal offers soon, don’t leave it until December because a lot of shoppers will have planned or already purchased their Christmas themed things by then. By using a special offer on leaflet distribution campaigns you can encourage and entice your target audience to your business before the others even get a chance to get their leaflet designed.

You need to generate publicity for your seasonal offers. As we have said before, leaflet distribution is not a lone-marketing tool, it works hand in hand with the rest of your marketing campaign and tools. Create a blog post or landing page on your website talking about the special offer, shout about it on social media and then get the leaflets out via leaflet distributors to remind them of what they have seen. Then you can add in media ads, billboards and more – it depends on your budget.

Keep a close eye on your competitors because the retail sector is tough and tight; even more so during the seasonal period. Keep an eye on what they are doing, how they are doing it and the sort of results they are getting from the promotions they are running. Don’t ever copy what a competitor, but instead allow them to do the market research for you.

Think about ways that you can target a specific group of customers. You can run separate leaflet distribution campaigns in different areas to attract the elderly residents in the area, the families with young children, students and so on. Consider early bird deals too that can help you get your Christmas rush in early, so it hopefully lasts longer and is better for your business.

There are lots of benefits to using leaflet distribution during busier periods like Christmas. You can rest assured that when you choose SPS Leaflet Distribution as your leaflet distributors that your message will get out to all the relevant people, at the relevant time.

Book your Christmas leaflet distribution campaign now.

Use Leaflet Delivery To Attract More Footfall This Christmas

While we appreciate that it is only October, now is the time to start thinking about leaflets and leaflet distribution in Brighton and Hove to help increase and attract more footfall into your store this Christmas period.

Whether you are a shop selling Christmas gifts, a restaurant offering Christmas Dinner, a hotel for Christmas Parties or any other ‘festive’ business, then you need to put the summer behind you and focus on the upcoming Christmas rush.

Christmas can be a make or break for many businesses; work with us and our leaflet distributors in Brighton and Hove to ensure that this festive period ‘makes’ it for your business.

Investing in leaflet distribution in Brighton and Hove can help you attract more customers to your business, increase brand awareness and help increase your brand’s profitability. Leaflet distribution and door drops are a worldwide-recognised marketing technique, known to work well for many different industries and businesses.

If you’re looking to make the most of the Christmas shoppers this year then we have put together some heavy discounting strategies that you can incorporate in your flyers, these will enable your business to gain from the public’s Christmas spending generosity

Buy One Get One Free – By creating leaflets offering a special buy one, get one free deal that they need to bring into store and that is only available on receipt of the voucher you are encouraging the receiver to keep the leaflet, come into store where they may purchase more festive treats, and you can keep track of your ROI on leaflet distribution.

VIP Ticket to Festive Openings – Why not arrange for leaflet distributors to deliver special VIP tickets that allow receivers to enter the store at special hours or on a special day when the shop will be closed to the public so they can be the first ones to view the festive treats you will have available. You could even include discounts for large amounts of spending; such as £10 off when you spend £100.

Targeted Discounts – Think about your local target audience. Could you do door drops in Brighton and Hove to students only and offer special / additional discounts when they have a student card, or similar for OAPS and such like. Take the time to think about your local target audience and what they would want from your business.

If you’d like help with ideas for your leaflet distribution campaign in Brighton and Hove, or you would like to speak to us about delivering your leaflets, please contact our friendly team and we will be happy to answer any queries you may have.


Find New Customers In The Run Up To Christmas

Finding new business and attracting new customers can be really tricky, especially in niche industries. But, for many Christmas shoppers that are trying to find that perfect gift for a loved one, the niche business is exactly who they are looking for.

You just need to make it easy for them to find you, even if they didn’t know about you!

During the run up to Christmas you can really maximise your appeal with a display of great offerings which will help you open the door to new relationships which will hopefully build over time, and you will become the ONLY business they want to think about for their loved one whether its Christmas, their birthday, an anniversary, Easter or any other occasion.

All great messages need to start with a clear leaflet marketing strategy, you need to think about what your leaflet will say, how it will look and when it will be delivered.

Here at SPS LMD our leaflet distributors in Hayward Heath can offer a solo leaflet delivery service so your leaflet is delivered through the homes of hundreds or thousands on its own. Meaning it will be one of the only things your receiver sees on the doormat when they get home from work.

Alternatively, your leaflet can be delivered via a shared leaflet distribution in Hayward Heath which means it will still be delivered through the doors of hundreds or thousands, but it will be delivered with other businesses flyers – but this is be a cheaper option. However, we will never deliver your leaflet at the same time as a similar or competing business offering the same service or product as your leaflet.

Leaflet design is absolutely crucial for a successful door drop campaign in Haywards Heath. Cheap leaflets on thin paper are not always better and it can be more cost effective to have a double sided flyer of high paper quality because your leaflet could be the first impression a person gets of your business and brand.

Why not contact us now to discuss your plans for leaflet distribution in the run up to Christmas to make sure you don’t miss out on potential new customers who could become extremely loyal to your business and brand.

Scissors May Beat Paper; But Paper Certainly Beats Digital!

While we know the rules of the hand game; with rock beating scissors and scissors beating paper – but here at SPS Lmd we strongly believe that paper beats digital, and in more ways than one in fact!

We can’t ignore the fact that there has been an enormous migration to electronic media, but neuroscience research shows that paper-based content and ads offer special advantages in connecting with our brains.

Years ago we were all told that Ceefax (remember that?) was going to kill newspapers, yet that didn’t happen!

We were also told videos would replace colour brochures; yet colour brochures are still here too.

Despite all the threats, print is still here – but can the same be said for Ceefax?

A Canadian neuromarketing firm called TrueImpact looked at digital media, comparing display ads and email against a direct mail piece. The research looked at attention, persuasiveness and understanding and in all tests the direct mail was found to be easier to process and better for brand recall when measuring brain waves and eye-tracking techniques.

Through this intense research they found that participants exposed to direct mail had a recall 70% higher than those participants that were shown a digital advert.

Of course we are not saying that digital does not work; but it is worth remembering the old fashioned print because it works. Especially when used as part of a leaflet distribution campaign and partnered with a strong digital campaign!

The future is print and digital working together and the companies that get on board with this now will get ahead of the market and stand out from the crowd.

You can’t create a good piece of direct mail for leaflet distribution unless you have a strong online presence to match it. While some people may feel comfortable ordering from a website, it can often be a successful leaflet distribution campaign that directs valuable traffic to an online form or enquiry form.

Contact us now to discuss your leaflet distribution needs and how we can help you achieve the high volume of orders that your business deserves!

How To Create Door Drop Campaigns In Brighton And Hove That Get Action

When considering your door drop campaign in Brighton and Hove you first need to think about think about what the purpose of your leaflet distribution campaign in Brighton and Hove is, but also the kind of customers that live in the catchment area that you are distributing your flyers.

The most common reason that businesses run door drop campaigns in Brighton and Hove is to attract the attention of a potential new customer. But let us be honest with you; when you send out a flyer many of them will be thrown in the bin after a quick glance. However, if you ensure that your leaflet screams for attention then achieving a good return on your leaflet distribution campaign in Brighton and Hove may not be as daunting as you first thought.

We have put together some top tips for making your leaflet scream for attention and get noticed by your target audience;

  • Make sure your leaflet has a bold and captivating title
  • You leaflet needs to be put together with clear and strong visuals
  • Use your leaflet to play on human emotions
  • Ensure that your leaflet delivers a strong call to action

Whether you are running leaflet distributions in Sussex or Brighton and Hove, the rules don’t change. When leaflet distributions are carried out the right way you can bring in results you never dreamed were possible.

The biggest mistake that we have seen businesses make is that they try and cram every little detail into their leaflet or flyer and this ends up losing the excitement and interest that less detail could achieve. You need to ensure that your leaflet builds a degree of interest and gives the reader a strong pull to react to your call of action by contacting you, going into your store or checking you out online.

From the very beginning of your door drop campaign planning you need to clearly define your objective and use the campaign to accomplish your goal.