Know Your Numbers For Leaflet Distribution In Haywards Heath

PT Barmun of The Greatest Show On Earth once said “Half of marketing doesn’t work… if only I knew which half” and while this statistic for marketing is still true in some cases, there really is no excuse why you shouldn’t know what marketing works and doesn’t work for your business.

In this blog post we would like to help you track the success of your leaflet deliveries in Haywards Heath so you can see what half of your marketing works; give some of our ideas and try and let us know how you get on – we personally think you will be very impressed when you realise the success of leaflet distribution on Haywards Heath for your business.

Tracking Telephone Numbers

Set up a new telephone number purely for the leaflet distribution campaign in Haywards Heath, then you know exactly where the customer heard of you because this telephone number can only be found on that leaflet. Setting up a new telephone number, especially through skype or VoIP can often be extremely cheap and you can even have the number transferred through to a mobile phone.

Google Analytics

If you have a website (and you definitely should as a business in this modern day) then you’ve got to have Google Analytics; it is a completely free tool by Google that allows you to see who comes to your website, how and when. If there is a rise in traffic to your website shortly after a leaflet delivery in Haywards Heath then you know the leaflet distribution campaign worked; especially if you are getting sales from these extra visitors to your website too!

Voucher Codes & Special Offers

Having a special offer or voucher code that is only available on your leaflet is one of the easiest ways to track the success of the leaflet delivery campaign in Haywards Heath; because every time that voucher code is used you know the person received the leaflet and have gone on to purchase a product or service from your business.

An expert once said “You can’t manage what you don’t measure” and this couldn’t be truer when it comes to leaflet distribution; why not call us about leaflet deliveries in Haywards Heath now to see how we can help your business measure success.

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