If you have just confirmed the design of your brand new flyers and ordered thousands of them you may notice that feeling of panic set in, while it worked out cheaper per flyer to get the extra few thousand you will soon have thousands of new leaflets arrive on your doorstep and how will you deliver them and get them out to your target audience?
Door to Door Leaflet Delivery in Brighton could be the answer you are looking for; here at SPS we can collect those leaflets from you and deliver them through peoples doors on your behalf. Direct Marketing Association completed research on the success of door to door leaflet distribution and found that up to 79% of people keep, pass on, read or glance at the leaflets and flyers delivered through their doors.
We offer two different leaflet distribution services in Brighton, these are Solus or Shared. Solus means that we will deliver only your leaflet through every door on the streets of your choice, meanwhile shared leaflet distribution in Brighton means your flyer could be delivered with around 3 others flyers, however none will offer the same product or service as you.
While the solus leaflet distribution in Brighton is more expensive, it does mean that yours will be the only leaflet that the recipient picks up when they come through the front door. However a shared leaflet distribution in Brighton is a cheaper option, but means it will be delivered with other companies flyers.
There has been so much research to prove that leaflets and flyers are one of the most cost effective types of advertising so it is well worth investing in a well designed flyer. However, what is the point of paying out for the design and print of amazing leaflets for them to sit in the corner of the office gathering dust?
Of course you could encourage your employees to deliver them for you but that won’t help staff morale and they won’t be using their skills to the benefit of the business. You could pay your son and his friends to go out and deliver them for you but they could dump them in a bush and enjoy playing at the park instead?
Or you could employ the services of our experienced, reliable and professional leaflet distributors in Brighton for your company message, brand and fantastic leaflets to get into the hands of the right people and in turn gain more sales and grow your business.