Your Leaflets Need To Stand Out For Leaflet Distribution in Sussex

Recent research shows that we, as the average human being in the UK, are exposed to up to 5,000 adverts a day; this could be radio adverts, bill boards, other cars on the road, adverts on TV, on social media, adverts text to us and adverts in shop windows – you can see how it quickly adds up to a LOT of adverts in one day.

So when you are looking at leaflet delivery in Sussex you need to find a way for your advert to stand out and not just fall into the space where the other 5,000 adverts fall; but instead stand out from the crowd and stick in the readers mind.

People are using spam filters and fast forwarding advert breaks by watching TV on demand, they are quickly deleting spam emails without a second thought; but what are leaflets from leaflet deliveries in Sussex – where are these adverts going?

We have previously written blogs that prove leaflets are being kept for longer, put in a drawer or on the pin board which means they are being kept in the receivers mind and being looked at numerous times – this just isn’t possible with radio and TV adverts because once the advert is over the advert is gone; out of sight, out of mind perhaps?

But you still need to do something to grab the reader’s attention, you can’t just say “We are here – come and buy from us” because the reader needs a reason, they need a call to action and they need a strong offer that makes them want to contact you or use your business now.

When creating a leaflet for leaflet distribution in Sussex you need to think about how your leaflet and advert will stand out from the thousands of others leaflets the receiver will see that day. You need to be sure that your message is clear and the receiver will understand what they are being offered.

It is also a good idea to encourage the receiver to buy from your business instead of another company and you could do this by showing the price difference between you and a competitor, offering a special offer or a free sample?

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